Launch Animation for Urbana
I had the pleasure to direct this launch animation, working closely with the team at Urbana, a Civil Non-Profit Partnership, who promote values such as gender inclusivity and accessibility in urban planning, among else. The animation follows three female characters through their everyday navigation of the city of Ioannina in Greece and presents the difficulties they encounter, calling for action for change through the participation of the community in urban planning. The illustrations were created by Natalie Mavrota and the characters were animated by electronicbagatelle (Ismini Sigala) in Blender, in order to keep the handdrawn look/brush textures. The animation was created within the context of the project "Ioannina: Bridges of Participation" as a continuation of the publication "Feminist Mappings". The experience of the project "Ioannina: Bridges of Participation" with the support of the Heinrich Böll Foundation - Thessaloniki Office, Greece.